Tree over the back from us
This time every year flocks of pink & grey galahs come to visit our neighbourhood. They love to hang out in a tree over the back from us and their babies, known as squawkers for obvious reasons, create such a cacophony that it has driven some people to create all sorts of scarecrows in a futile attempt to deter them from their seasonal migration.
Not to be put off they fly in and gorge themselves on any lawn that has been seed planted, as they love the seeds in the grass apparently. At our house though our lawn is the poverty pack type, grown from grass runners from my Bil's lawn. They tend not to like that sort. :)
But they do love to nibble on our one and only conifer. And we don't mind one little iota. In fact we get so excited that the bloke gets the camera out and runs around incognito snapping off photos. In one shot of the galahs on out T.V aerial he took it with the camera through a gap in the roof of the patio, such a sneak, the bloke my be able to get a job as a paparazzi.
Galah's in our conifer
No wonder our t.v reception gets grainy |
What ya looking at mate? |
P.S Thank you to those who left me a comment, much appreciated.

Hi Jan
ReplyDeleteThere's so much joy in the simple and ordinary things in life. Thousands of people are miserable and can't see the woods for the trees (or the galahs)