She is away at present went with her eldest sister to the big smoke and today has gone on further to the coast to visit with the middle child with another sister. She has taken her little toy poodle with her. His first holiday. They were in an IGA store yesterday and she had smuggled Smog (that was his name when we got him) in with her inside an oversized handbag. He poked his head out and some small boy shouted out "Look at the cat". Smog was not happy with that description. But as others became aware of him he attracted a bit of an adoring crowd. :) He is quite an acient dog and he does have eyes, they are well hidden under that fur. He had his hair cut last week and bears no resemblance to that picure. lol
Next week they return to us with the eldest sis who is moving back here with us for a while. So yes all ebbs, flows and dam breaks. That's our life.
I have other news but it is more lengthy to tell so will leave it for another time.

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