How can it be the 14th November already? Seriously who stole the last 6 months? One minute it was June and the next we are staring Christmas 2010 in the face. I tell you either someone is spinning the world on its axis a lot faster than normal or I am filling my days with stuff and time is getting away from me.
Anyway enough stalling, *blush* yes I apologise for my tardy posting.
This is a picture of the waffles that the girls made recently. When the girls were little their Oma used to make these for them and they loved it, so when they asked me to buy a waffle maker I didn't hesitate. Since then they have made quite few batches and they were yummy, especially served with strawberries, cream or ice cream with strawberries. Oh and maple syrup. :)
We are now making memories for the future generations.
On the sewing front I have been stuck. Simply put I have so many ideas in my mind that is stops me from getting any done. However, today I found the energy to piece a backing for the youngest daughters quilt. Now this quilt is a biggie, length wise anyway. It is 2.5 metres long! Don't ask why; though it might have something to do with putting borders on and not knowing when to stop. No pics yet but soon.
I also made a little table topper as a gift and some mug rugs which are all the rage in blog land these days but I have been doing my version of them for a while now.
Thought the ones I have seen on the blogs are much prettier than mine.
Onto other news. Our eldest has arrived home for a while. She needs time to gather her thoughts and we are very pleased to have her back with us. I love having her around.
See ya soon

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