I have been MIA for a few days. To be truthful things have been a little dreary around here of late. Mainly due to my battle to keep myself happy despite severe mood flucuations. But today I rose early, set up my sewing area, intent on working on THE applique project. I have been steadily working away at this quilt project, and admit that I had no idea how labour intensive it would be.

The applique content of this quilt was huge; to me anyway. I am at the stage now that I have applied it to the background fabrics and I have constructed the 4 patch blocks. Then in a first for me, I embarked on the making of some pinwheel blocks. So much excitement!
Alas my brain does not compute the design and I call on my ever patient bloke to help me work it out. And he does! And is quite rightly proud of himself. I am just pleased to be creating anything other than the standard patchwork blocks. Oh and I really did a great job of putting contrast colours together.
But, and there is always a but isn't there?
I sewed the little blocks together and they don't look right.
They look way to small.

I hold my breath and grab my trusty tape measure, knowing before I even place the tape along the block that it is just to small. I am proved right again (yes I often am, just ask the kids) the blocks according to the pattern should measure 8 1/2 inches, mine are lucky to be 4 inches. :(
What have I done wrong? I don't know. I thought I followed the pattern correctly. Maybe there is a printing error? More like I just mucked it up, and now I need to take the time to fix it. Okay, is there a way to repair these poor little pinwheels blocks, I can not chuck them out they are too pretty and cute and I don't want to do it all again. Can I just add borders??
In my defence I am still on my patchwork & quilting 'P'plates, and have lots to learn. Also I am having difficulties in inserting pictures in between the paragraphs, they all run straight to the top of the page and try as I might they will not budge. Grrrr, I can get quite emotional when technology gets the better of me. But have no fear, I shall return and next time I am hoping to show you that I have conquered another mountain, until then be happy and enjoy your day. xx
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