Hello folks. I seem to be getting quite poor at keeping my blog up to date. In fact I have been wondering if there is a point to me keeping it going. I'm in two minds because I do actually enjoy writing, but due to my current situation I often don't feel I have anything worth writing about. Of course I can keep it going purely as a record of my life for myself, with no one else reading, but do I really want that?
I enjoy, no I frigging love getting comments. I love that someone can take a few minutes to write to me, and connect on some level. It is no secret that I crave connection. Even more so since I took up my self imposed isolation. I do have a sister (actually I have four sisters and three brothers) who visits me every Tuesday, and I usually have a visit from my lovely friend Alinka weekly. Less often I get a visit from another long term friend Kay who makes me laugh and with whom I can forget my troubles for just a while. I am grateful to all these people.
But there are many hours to fill, when there is nobody around. When the bloke goes to work from 5am-6pm, and the daughters are at work, there is just me. And mostly I am not the best company for myself. This is because I have time to think and dwell on my lot in life. I am renown for my anxiety. Small problems can become bigger due to the many what ifs.
Furthermore my hunger for connection has seen me become a compulsive facebook user. Love to hear up to the minute news from friends, family and acquaintances. Gee if it wasn't for fb how would I even know who is marrying who, whose pregnant, who is arguing with who, the latest purchases, where my friend had coffee or a meal. Yes I can live vicariously through them all.
The off shoot of these type of electronic connections is that I have moved beyond purely online friendship to texting and even speaking on the telephone in some instances. It really makes a difference in my life. How much poorer would my little world be without it?
I often hear people criticise facebook and other social media networks but like anything else it is what you allow it to be. It is about choice. I choose people I am interested in and who I wish to have contact with. Quite simple really.
So this brings me back to the blogging thing. For the moment I will keep it going. I do want to keep my hand in, and maybe, just maybe, I might become inspired to write a must read blog, as good as any of the popular ones I read.
So there you go, a lot said about not too much. I hope you are all doing well and find the time to give a shout out.
Until next time,

I read, don't always comment :), I love reading blogs and find the internet my life in so many ways. I have met some awesome people through the net. If it wasn't for blogs and the net I would be pretty lonely. Have a great day :)
ReplyDeleteHi Jan, its Cheryl R from FB here. I read your blog in Google Reader and I have your blog in a section I have named 'Favourites' so I can read it first whenever you post. Out of the 100 or so blogs I read I only have about 8 blogs in that section and you are one of them! I really enjoy reading your blog and since I know you on FB, I find whatever you write interesting even the mundane stuff...Much love Cheryl!
ReplyDeleteThanks Cheryl and Jackie. So nice to hear from you both. Cheryl that is nice that you find my posts worthy of reading. :) I love the fact that we share a common space via facebook.
DeleteCan I just say to you that your blog is always on my "must read" list. You have a beautiful way of writing and expressing yourself. Please keep it going, I'll miss you otherwise!
ReplyDeleteHey thanks Kate. I'm delighted that I am on your blog reading list. I had better keep it up then.
ReplyDeleteDon't you dare stop blogging... I don't always comment either, but I'm here... lurking....
ReplyDeleteNo worries Sharynne. :)
DeleteI also hope you won't stop blogging for many reasons. One is that I want to hear more than I learn through Facebook. Another is that I think that the connections you make here are very important. And yet another is that I think you have an important perspective on life to share. People need to know what it is like to be you. They need to see you as the human being that you are.
ReplyDeleteI think people who criticize Facebook simply don't like that form of connection. That's okay, and they don't have to use it, but it is an important way for those who enjoy it to make connections with others and to share their lives. If those connections bring you joy, then you should embrace them without hesitation. We all have to find our joy through the little things that offer it. It's part of what makes life better and there's no shame in that!
Please don't stop writing. I have your blog on google reader so I know when you have posted and I always read but not always commenting.
ReplyDeleteIf you enjoy writing then you should. I found with my blog that I have cut it down to about once a week as I dont' always have things to say but I still enjoy it.
We are out here even if we aren't visible, what people write about on their blogs enrich my life, including yours, otherwise I wouldn't visit. Reading you blog and others, lets me know that there are other like-minded people out there, people that I otherwise would not get to meet, and through blogging we do and I am glad.
Hi Jan
ReplyDeleteDenise here. Commenting is easier than I thought (I am not great at technology, learning as I go). Anyway, just wanted to say, am enjoying your blog. Still thinking of doing one of my own one day.