The above quote helps explain why I am not a regular writer on my blog anymore.
However, I am updating the blog so I don't have to see the Christmas post and be hit in the face by my slackness. I thought that I would begin by showing a few of the things that I have been doing since the last post. Of course this is not the sum total of that period, but just a bit that I have photos for. First up is a dish that I made in my new 5 in 1 cooking pot thingy. I found the recipe on a Facebook page set up for the discussion of these cookers. I have made it twice to great delight. I was impressed that something I made turned out. It's called Creamy, chicken, tomato and bacon rigatoni. If anyone reads this blog still and would like to give it a go let me know. I used the slow cooking option and it cooks quite quickly, although not as quick as the original recipe stated, however I did increase the ingredients so that is why.
This photo is of the beautiful moth orchid given to me by my daughter Katie. I love it, but as I told her I have black fingers and worried it would die. At this point one has lost all of its flowers but they are both alive.
This beautiful journal was given to me by my dear friends A. She knows how to select just the right gift. I truly treasure this and have not written in it. I wont until I can decide what is the best thing to do it justice. I did think about using it as a quote keeper. You know when you come across a quote or saying that really resonates with you. Yep, think this is gonna be the book for that. I also have some pretty markers, pens, washi tapes to compliment it. This journal has the added bonus of smelling like coffee. The maker of this book dyed some of the paper with coffee and so it is infused into the pages. Mmmmm :) I would really like to have a go at making a journal from scratch so will look out for some materials to do so.
This pic is small, sorry but it is a diary I ordered to use this year. Despite warnings from some friends, I went ahead and bought an A5 size. Not big enough! I liked it though as I could get it personalised with my name and could choose the cover. Next years diary will be at least A4.
Tonight some friends are coming to visit me. After two years or more chatting online and corresponding the 'old fashioned' way I get to meet my friend A-M and her man. Will report back after the event when I have recovered.
Till then
Do something you love

Hello glad I found your blog. Looking forward to following you (for a change)...xxAmira