Another pretty flower in our garden
An RSPCA rescued dog. We have him with us, even though he is my daughters.
He looks like a cuddly teddy bear and has the biggest paws I have seen, He is an English water spaniel.
Since then I have even more to add so here we go. The first bit refers to the other day.
how are you on this humid, sticky day. The cool weather seems to have disappeared again and we once again melt in the humidity. I mentioned previously that it plays havoc with my breathing (adult onset asthma) and today was no exception. I have been using my little Symbicort puffer quite a bit lately and this arvo after a lovely friend left I had an episode where I was unable to get my breath properly. I admit that I am a worrier. And today I panicked a little and used the puffer whilst emailing my DD K at work to come home and put the fan on for me as it does tend to help at times like this.
However after a few puffs I came good so called her off coming. But boy does anyone else out there get these events?
If so what is your action plan. I don't have one. Which makes me feel that with recent events I would like to have one.
I was given this script some time ago without much ado and without any real long term plans so I think that I will try to contact an asthma consultant and get some pointers.
Of course in the case of being very desperate I will call the ambulance, as they have the oxygen and gear to treat me. After than I don't know as the regular ambulances can't fit me in them.
Another issue when your my size.
I have had some great visitors this week and more to come tomorrow, how lucky am I?
This is a great quote that I came across and resonates with me this week.
"A friend is someone who sings your heart's song
back to you when you have forgotten the words."
~ David Coppola, PhD.
The latest news has to do with changes in the way I sew. Again.
If you know me well you will know all about my regular moving moments in this house. What you might not know is that there is some one who does all this moving, an it isn't me . It is the bloke. He is the most patient person I know. All my crazy ideas are put into play by him.
The problem was I am unable to get to the lounge room where all my sewing stuff was. I have been sitting here for a few weeks since my legs gave up on me. Have not been able to sew, but not any longer. I asked the bloke if I could set up all my sewing stuff on our dining table, which is rarely used for its designed purpose. He thought it was a great idea. So now I have my machine, ironing board (one I made) and my cutting board and all the other sundries in close proximity. And he also bought out my fabric cupboard. Oh I am in heaven. :)
This makes me very happy indeed. It wont be permanent, not in this house and as soon as I am tired of it all change will occur again.
Work in progress, have to arrange it better
The final thing I have to show you is this wall art that we made last weekend. I purchased a remnant of fabric and pinned it to this canvas frame. This way when I tire of the print I can replace it and reuse the fabric. I think it looks great on our lovely green walls.
It is Paisley Birds, by Valorie Wells from her Nest range.
Well that's it folks not very exciting I guess, but I am loving it, for now at least.

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