An unusually clear table- love my vase of artificial flowers
I expect after my last blog post my regular readers might think I would be continuing on with the whiny theme. Happy to say that I'm not, or at least that is my aim. I really do try pick myself up when I'm down and out. Every day I get to wake up is a bonus, despite my rather bleak prognosis.
The Bloke has just had days off, and we all love that. The girls book him for servicing their cars, mending bicycle tyres, getting him to go on walks and on the list goes. On my list I asked him to please finish the painting the blue room, so called for obvious reasons. It has been a work in progress for the past couple if months and as The Bloke dislikes painting, it takes a lot to get his motivation levels high enough to initiate a start. Then I can move my sewing and craft stuff back into the 'spare' room. Of course it will be highly unlikely that I will sit in this room and work as it is bloody freezing in winter and stinking hot in summer. However the majority of my stuff can be stored in this room and out of sight unless we get guests to stay.
Over the weekend I managed to get into my laptop and clean up and categorise my pictures. Since I have taken up scrap-booking, it will be a lot easier to go straight to a folder and select the pics I want to print for my layouts. In the process of this overhaul I managed to delete over 4, 486 photos. Yep, you read correctly. I have so many pics in the time I have had this laptop. I saved some onto my USB stick so that my daughter can go and get them printed. Harvey Norman are offering a deal; 9 cents per 6x4"print. Not too bad I think. Once I get them I will get started on some new pages.
So many things going on in this family. My daughter is counting down the days until her son makes an appearance. I keep dreaming on what he will look like. Will he have the dark curl hair that my daughter and me had? Will he have blue eyes like my girl or will he have his father's brown eyes?
Will he have fair skin or be olive skinned? It is so lovely to imagine what he what he will look like and then when we get to meet him we will see if we were right.
No matter what he looks like he will know he is loved. The pic below was taken yesterday.
Well this post was a short one, just to keep my hand in, so to speak but I hope to be back soon with a bigger post.
Until then, Keep warm (if you live in Australia).

I'm glad that things are looking a little brighter. This is, so often, the way it goes. Crisis is interwoven with the joy of daily living. Enjoy every moment of it. :-)
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ReplyDeleteHow incredibly exciting that it is getting closer to you being a Grandmother! Oh, I so love babies. :-) (On that note - have you decided what you'll be called? Grandma? Nanna? Nan? Marmie? I'd love to know!)
ReplyDeleteI love the sound of your "blue room". It sounds great.