The above photo shows the eight placemats that my eldest daughter ordered. She is a lucky girl, to have a mum like me. Well actually I am much luckier to have a kid like her for that matter.
We have been moved things around in the house recently. My sewing area in now situated in the lounge room. Yep, I get to share my crafty space with the television,and when my friends come to visit they can sit in comfort.
Talking about friends, yesterday saw me chatting with three of my closest friends. When we get together it is non-stop talking. I am usually left worn out, but very, very happy. They are a bunch of funny, intelligent, respectful women. I have know them for quite a few years and over time we have shared many of life's ups and downs. The sad news is that very soon, way to soon of these women is moving away. Her husband has accepted a new job in a coastal town, some 12 hours from here. She will be missed. A lot. Sue, is one of those people who has a good word to say about everyone. She has a real go get 'em approach to life. She and her husband Jeff, have three of the most delightful daughters who we have had the pleasure of seeing grow from tiny babies to little school girls.
When she leaves there will be a real gap in my life. I do intend to visit her at some stage down the track though.
She is not a big emailer so will need to work out another way of regular communicating.
I am off to the city tomorrow for my follow up appointment with the BIPAP machine. It is also the time when the hiring of said machine stops and I am required to purchase my own. A mere $5000 will do it. I shouldn't moan as I know without it I would be in serious trouble, but recently it seems that money has been flying out the window.
I better stop this post now, as I have plenty to do in preparation for the trip-you know clean clothes, cameras, food, buy dog food supplies.
Till next time,