This is not my room, but I wish it was.
It rained all day yesterday. I pulled the blind up next to the chair I sit on and watched it most of the day whilst sewing. I really love the rain. I live in a dry part of the country so any rain is welcomed. It does the gardens well and helps fill the dams around the bush. Rain is life giving isn't it? And I love lying in bed listening to it on the roof. Makes me feel so happy.
I am not sure if I have written about my special birthday present that I got back in early June. It was with great surprise and amazement when I recieved an ipad2 from the bloke and the girls. I love it, but did wonder how it would be used. Well I am here to day that i use it a lot. It is great for when I am at the machine sewing and need to check on some sewing thing. I dont have a whole lot of room when I am in sewing mode but the ipad is small and just the thing for looking up stuff. I have installed some apps. (I think I'm clever too, saying apps.) lol
I use it for ebooks, and love how I can flick through the pages with a swipe of my finger. Mine is white with a lovely silver back, which they had engraved for me. I took this image from google images, hope they don't mind.
Well I am running out of steam now so will go and rest my eyes.
Take care and let me know how you are going.
Till next time,

I want an iPad, you lucky bugger!